If you follow Country Valley facebook or this blog, you probably know that Country Valley Milk was very successful at the recent Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy show (2011). We received Champion ribbon award for our Lush Natural Yoghurt and a Champion Award for the best milk ( Country Valley Organic Lite ). As well as winning the Most Successful Milk Exhibitor .
To a VERY small processing business , this means that somebody recognised that although our labels were hand done and our tubs were filled by two very dedicated ladies or that someone had to physically place each bottle onto the filler line.... your end product was as good OR better than the output of many ,multi million dollar processing plants across the state
To us , that is the golden handshake for our paid (and unpaid) labours day in and day out. If you put a product out in a small community and it is not 100% you get the feedback very quickly... When we receive these accolades the whole community reacts. People we dont know phone,email and talk to us on facebook. They relate their story AND they stand up and be recognised as a Country Valley customer.To all these people we say CONGRATULATIONS, because they already knew what the judges just found out... the products are premium quality and we get them to you with low food miles and at a sustainable price for you , us and THE FARMER.
Everyone one of us likes to think our work hours are not just CLOCK IN/ CLOCK OUT. Awards like the ones we received, let everyone on the factory floor feel their effort has been justified. They all physically touched each bottle and it was their efforts to do their job properly that saw these rewards. At each morning tea and every lunch break, the topic of awards comes up.... "I made that tub of yoghurt." , "I bottled that batch of milk.."
Can your job give you that opportunity? We feel very chuffed by the whole experience.
If we could ask for any flow-on for these awards, I think we would ask that the public stop and ask themselves... Do I want to give my family the best? Does the multi national company I currently buy from have my childs and my country's future in mind? DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR! Go to your local farmers market, talk to the producers and buy products that are made with the care and excitement you put into your young childs birthday cake. They and WE need your support to continue to fight the good fight against our huge corporate competitors .
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