- Do you choose the doctor your family uses?
- Do you use your own judgement when you choose a restaurant?
- Can you make decisions without corporate interference?
- Is the greater good important to you?
This is the case with the $2.00 milk you are enjoying today! If this UNSUSTAINABLE price is maintained, who do you think will pay the estimated $30,000,000 shortfall in the bottom line of these two companies? Coles says it will...I suggest we will pay more at the checkout and the farmer who produced this milk and the farmer who produced the other brands (just to give us product choice) will be forced into more hardship.
Some people in our community are struggling to meet food costs and the cheaper products will be a Godsend....Not one farmer would begrudge these people assistance. For the rest of us, why not stand up and be counted. If you enjoy a latte or cappuccino during your day or you have made a life choice to give your family the best you can afford , then consider whether those SUPERMARKETS are the best place for you to spend your food dollar?
Did you go into the SUPERMARKET and choose to buy the $2.00 milk? Were you coerced into that shop by an aggressive marketing campaign that will see the working end of that product adversely affected.... DID YOU BUY ANYTHING ELSE? Were you duped into advancing the company's cause?
Small milk processing businesses like Country Valley cannot compete with these prices. Our scales of economy prevent us from slashing 33% from our product price. Our product has proven to be a premium product. Country Valley demands our small scale producers maintain a very high standard of milk production. We are going to enormous lengths to gear our plant towards a low carbon footprint and we are always very aware that we need to embrace the ethos of sustainability.
These ideals come at a cost, and we want to be able to carry these costs into the future....we cannot if YOU choose to take the short term easy option.
Don't be used in a marketing war between two giant corporations. Think of the consequence of your decision and stand up for what you believe in.... a better Australia!
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