The Real Country Valley

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not a "GREENIE" thing... an "AWARENESS" thing

   Living in todays  "time starved" society, we can sometimes forget some of the important connections that our forefathers held in high esteem. One of these connections is the relationship between the fresh foods you see on the supermarket shelf and the  husband and wife. /  father and son etc. who put in the hard work to grow / produce these products.

   Today we, as consumers,  are faced  with a couple of very interesting choices. Do we continue to outsource our needs and wants including food , energy, education and  our own well being....    OR...

    We  can choose to control our  destinies.. this will require interest, caring and commitment to the cause. We must rebuild the CONNECTIONS... to each other.

     Where does this change come from ????   THE HEART!!!

   The "HIPPIE" generation first highlighted  our  ability to turn back the clock and insist on a biological focus on food production and farming methods. Today we may not all have a backyard to grow some vegies and we certainly dont have the time..OR DO WE??  A pot of herbs, a tub of cherry tomatoes or a few leaves of spinach.  However we can all "Google" organic foods, farmers markets and fresh food markets...There are 100's  and Im sure there are some close to you.

  If growing or searching the parks is not your thing, read up on the benefits of  fresh produce. Learn about the effects your choices in your supermarket have on the welfare of your "Country Cousins". Try to understand that for every perfect piece of fruit grown, there is probably a bucket full of wasted pieces, but the farmer still spends the same time and money on his total production... The supermarket man decides what he pays for and what he rejects.  Spend some time  at the Flemington markets... the amount of rejected produce is huge, but only because we demand "PERFECT" specimens.

  Today's  environmentally astute consumers are purchasing  more and more foods that are seen  to offer a greater "upstream"  benefit to their families, the farmers and in the end the landscape.  They are seeking animal products  (beef,chicken,pork etc)  from higher welfare producers. They are mindful of "Sustainably"  caught fish and can understand the need for farmed salmon  and trout. When it comes to manufactured extras ie pastry, noodles  and sauces, make sure the ingredients are from a higher welfare origin... free range eggs and  organic stock.
   This new wave of consumers  are asking, or demanding, our retail sector cater for an expanding number of us who seek a SUSTAINABLE balance between our needs and our wants.This group are demanding..
  1.     Environmental Integrity from producers
  2.     Economic Viability from our retail sector
  3.     Social Equity to allow all fellow consumers to reap the benefits of this new awareness.
   They see this as the "TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE"  of food production that will see our children have the same choices in food, lifestyle and environment that we take for granted. This movement  will evoke a shift from  Thinking to Feeling, from Science to Spirit and Head to Heart. The way we live our lives will see a rise in Holistic attitudes and  actions.

   We all need to put our collective MUSCLE...both mental and physical into being more self resourcing. We  need to see the shortfall NOW and do something or  maybe the people we are so BUSY looking after will suffer far more than they should.

   Think about your purchases, do your best and ..Keep up the GOOD FOOD FIGHT !